Open Source Technical Information: February 2012

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Ubuntu Business Desktop Remix- A new distribution from canonical for companies and government institutions

Ubuntu Business Desktop Remix is a new distribution from canonical based on Ubuntu11.10 and is dedicated to companies and government institutions. It is a combination of  free software applications, certified commercial apps, and Canonical’s management solution and the main goal is to give  companies and institutions a free solution to save time and money while keeping productive.
The Ubuntu Business Desktop Remix contains all the software needed to integrate into your IT infrastructure while removing games, social networking and file sharing applications, development and sysadmin tools, and other software that organizations don’t commonly support.
This first release includes the Adobe Flash Plugin, VMware View, and the OpenJDK 6 Java run-time environment, while removing social networking and file sharing applications, games and development/sysadmin tools.
If you have a small business and you want to try Ubuntu Business Desktop remix, you can register and download it from this Link.

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Fedora17 Beefy Miracle release Schedule

Fedora17 codename Beefy Miracle will be released in May 2012, bellow is the complete release schedule.

Planning & Development Begins

2012-01-24     Feature Submission Deadline
2012-02-07     Feature Freeze–Planning & Development Ends
2012-02-07     Branch Fedora 17 from Rawhide– Branch Freeze
2012-02-14     Software String Freeze
2012-02-14     Alpha Change Deadline
2012-02-28    Alpha Release
2012-03-13     Software Translation Deadline
2012-03-20     Beta Change Deadline
Features 100% Complete
2012-04-03    Beta Release
2012-04-23    Final Change Deadline
2012-04-24    Compose ‘Final’ RC
2012-05-08    Fedora 17 Final Release

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Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.1 comes with support for 12.04 X Precise Pangolin| PPA


Ubuntu Tweak 0.6.1 has been released with support to Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, according to the announcement, this  is a bug fixes release, that also introduce also a few tweaks,  Add support for Ubuntu 12.04, Remove the background change in Login Settings, because the LightDM for 12.04 already support read user background setting, add “Dash color” setting to Unity Settings, dd “Desktop Font” setting to Fonts Settings, hide the Session Control for Lubuntu.
You can install Ubuntu Tweak in 12.04 Precise Pangolin using the following PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak

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How to use VirtualBox in Terminal / Command line?


Procedure for how to use VirtualBox in Terminal / Command line

In this post, we discuss on how to manage VirtualBox in command line or terminal. VBoxManage is the command which is used to manage VirtualBox in commandline. Using VBoxManage, one can create and control the virtual OS and there are many features than GUI VirtualBox.
Here is a simple tutorial on how to create a virtual OS (Ubuntu10.10) using VBoxManage and access it remotely from the host machine.


To create a virtualmachine(Ubuntu10.10), use the below command or copy and paste it in terminal. If you want to create a virtual machine for fedora or some other OS, change the name Ubuntu10.10 to fedora or slax or kubuntu etc.

$VBoxManage createvm --name Ubuntu10.10

In the above command, “createvm” is used to create a virtual machine and “–name“defines the name of the virtual machine. After executing this command it will create virtual machine called “Ubuntu10.10.vbox” in home folder under “VirtualBox VMs/Ubuntu10.10/Ubuntu10.10.vbox”
*Note: If the name has space, then it should be given within quotes.
Say for example, ”Ubuntu 10.10″.
Now, create the hard disk image for the virtual machine using the below command

$VBoxManage createhd --filename Ubuntu10.10 --size 5120

In the above command, “createhd” is used to create hard disk image and “–filename” is used to specify the virtual machine’s name, for which the hard disk image is created. Here, “–size” denotes the size of the hard disk image. The size is always given in MB. Here we have specified 5Gb that is 5120MB.
After creating a virtual machine, the VirtualBox has to be registered. “registervm” command is used to register the virtual machine. The full path of the virtual machine’s location has to be mentioned.

$VBoxManage registervm '/home/user/VirtualBox VMs/Ubuntu10.10/Ubuntu10.10.vbox'

The virtualmachine can be registered while creating virtual machine using “–register“. Below is the command

$VBoxManage createvm --name Ubuntu10.10 --register

Now set the OS type. For example, if the Linux OS has to be installed, then specify the OS type as Linux or Ubuntu Or Fedora etc.
$VBoxManage modifyvm Ubuntu10.10 --ostype Ubuntu

One of the most important command in VBoxManage is “modifyvm“. Using “modifyvm”, one can modify many features in virtual machine like changing the memory size, name of the Virtual Machine, OS type and many more. The name of the virtual machine has to be specified inorder to modify it. In the above command, Ubuntu10.10 has been explained. The command “–ostype” is used to set the OS type like Linux, Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc,.
Now, set the memory size for the virtual OS, i.e. the ram size for the virtual OS from the host Machine.

$VBoxManage modifyvm Ubuntu10.10 --memory 512

The command “–memory <size>” is used to set the RAM size for the virtual machine from the host machine. The size should be defined in MB.
Now create a storage controller for the virtual machine.

$VBoxManage storagectl Ubuntu10.10 --name IDE --add ide --controller PIIX4 --bootable on

storagectl <name>” is used to create a storage controller for virtual machine. Later the virtual media can be attached to the controller using “storageattach” command. The above command creates the storage controller called IDE. <name> defines the name of the virtual machine.

–name <name>” specifies the name of the storage controller that needs to be created or modified or removed from the virtual machine.
–add <options>” defines the type of system bus to which the storage controller must be connected. Available options are ide/sata/scsi/floppy.
–controller <options>” allows to choose the type of chipset that is to be emulated for the given storage controller. Available options are LsiLogic / LSILogicSAS / BusLogic / IntelAhci / PIIX3 / PIIX4 / ICH6 / I82078.
–bootable <on/off>” defines whether this controller is bootable or not.

$VBoxManage storagectl Ubuntu10.10 --name SATA --add sata --controller IntelAhci --bootable on

Using the above command, a storage controller called SATA has been created. The hard disk image can be attached to this later.
Now, attach the storage controller to the virtual machine using “storageattach” .

$VBoxManage storageattach Ubuntu10.10 --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium "filename"

The above command will attach the storage controller SATA to virtual machine Ubuntu10.10 with the medium i.e., to the virtual disk image which is created.

storageattach <name>” is the command used to attach the storage controller to the virtual machine.
<name> defines the name of the virtual machine.
–storagectl <name>” is used to define the name of the storage controller which needs to be attached to the virtual machine.
<name> defines the name of the storage controller.
–port <number>” is used to define the number of storage controller’s port which is to be modified.
–device <number>” is used to define the number of the port’s device which is to be modified.
–type <options>” is used to specify the type of the drive in which the medium should be attached. Available options are dvddrive / hdd / fdd.
–medium <options>” defines the hard disk image or ISO image file or virtual DVD. Available options are none / emptydrive / <uuid> / <filename>host:<drive>iscsi
*Note: If you decide to specify the filename, then specify the full path where it is located.
Example: “/home/user/Ubuntu10.10.vdi”

$VBoxManage storageattach Ubuntu10.10 --storagectl IDE --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "filename"

Here, the above command will attach the storage controller IDE with the medium of ISO image as DVD drive. This medium can be closed after installing the virtual OS(Ubuntu10.10).
filename“– Example: “/home/user/Downloads/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso”
Next, add some features like audio, 3d acceleration, network, etc,.

$VBoxManage modifyvm Ubuntu10.10 --vram 128 --accelerate3d on --audio alsa --audiocontroller ac97

–vram <size>” This sets the size of RAM that the virtual graphics card should have. The size should given in MB.
–accelerate3d <on/off>” if the guest additions are installed, this sets the hardware 3D acceleration for the virtual machine.
–audio <options>” is used to set the audio for the virtual machine with available host driver. Available options are none /null / oss / alsa / pulse.
–audiocontroller <options>” is used to set the controller for the audio in the virtual machine. Available options are ac97 / hda / sb16.

$VBoxManage modifyvm Ubuntu10.10 --nic1 nat --nictype1 82540EM --cableconnected1 on

–nic<1-N> <options>” with this the type of networking can be set for each of the VM’s virtual network cards. Available options are none / null / nat / bridged / intnet / hostonly / vde.
–nictype<1-N> <options>” is used to specify which networking hardware is to be presented to the guest VirtualBox. Available options are Am79C970A / Am79C973 / 82540EM / 82543GC / 82545EM / virtio.
–cableconnected<1-N> <on/off>” This allows to temporarily disconnect a virtual network interface from virtual machine. This might be useful for re-setting certain software components in the VM.
Now to start a virtual machine, use the below command

$VBoxManage startvm Ubuntu10.10

startvm <name>” is the command used to start the virtual machine. By default it starts in the GUI mode.
<name> defines the name of the virtual machine.

Remote Desktop in VirtualBox

To activate the remote desktop, set the port number and address.
$VBoxManage modifyvm Ubuntu10.10 --vrde on --vrdeport 5012 --vrdeaddress

–vrde <on/off>” is used to set the remote desktop ON or OFF.
–vrdeport <number>” is used to set the port number in the port in which the virtual machine should be available. “default or 0″ will set the port in 3389.
–vrdeaddress <address>” is used to set the “IP” address in which it should be accessable.
Now, start the virtual machine using the below command

$VBoxManage startvm Ubuntu10.10 --type headless

–type <options>” is used to specify the mode in which it should start the virtual machine. Available options are gui / sdl / headless.
headless“ produces no visible output on the host at all, but only delivers VRDP data. This front-end has no dependencies on the X Window system on Linux and Solaris hosts.
Alternative method to start virtual machine for remote access is VBoxHeadless. Use the below command.

$VBoxHeadless --startvm Ubuntu10.10

–startvm <name>” is used to start the virtual machine. <name> defines the name of the virtual machine.
To access the remote desktop, use rdesktop command. By default the linux system should have rdesktop. If not, install it. Use the below command from the client machine to access the virtual machine remotely.

$rdesktop -a 16 -N

To stop the virtual machine, check the below command

$VBoxManage controlvm Ubuntu10.10 poweroff

“controlvm <name> <options>” controlvm command is used to control the state of the virtual machine. <name> defines the name of the virtual machine. Some of the available options are pause / resume / reset / poweroff / savestate / acpipowerbutton / acpisleepbutton. There are many options in controlvm to see all the options available in it. Either type or copy and paste the below command in terminal.
$VBoxManage controlvm
Hope this will be helpful for you!!

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VNC error unable to connect to host: No route to host (113)-Solved

In VNC while connecting to remote desktop, you may get this errors.

unable to connect to host: No route to host (113)
unable to connect to host: Connection refused (111)

Then in host machine iptables is running and is blocking the port 5901. Kill all the vncserver desktop in the host machine and run the following command in the terminal. Type the password for the user when prompted.

$ sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 5901 -j ACCEPT

The above command will add the port 5901 to iptables in accept mode. Now save the iptables and start the vncserver in host machine then try connecting it remotely.

To save the Iptables

Fedora users use the following command to save it.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/iptables save

Ubuntu users do the following steps
Run the following command to save the current rule-set to the file “iptables.rules” in etc directory. Type the password for the user when prompted.

$ sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules"

To apply the rules automatically, modify the interfaces file under /etc/network/ directory and add the below line to the end of your interface. You need to know which interface your using.
post-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules

To add, use the following command. You can use your favorite editor to edit the interfaces file, here i am using gedit.
$ sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces
The above command will open the interfaces file in gedit. Now copy and paste this line “post-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules” at the end of your interface.
After modification your interfaces file should be looking like this.
auto lo 
iface lo inet loopback
post-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
or like this
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet loopback
post-up iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
Thats it. Hope this will be helpful for you!!!

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How to disable server signature using .htaccess or by editing Apache?

Procedure for  disableing server signature using .htaccess or by editing Apache

Question : How to disable server signature using .htaccess or by editing apache config file?

Attackers can use server signature to their advantage when performing an attack, this is the reason why  it is always advised to disable the server signature.
There are 2 methods to do it
I tried to make this quick tip more detailed for Linux newbies
1- Using .htaccess:
Open your public_html folder (Browse public_html using ftp to display all hiden files)
Now to disable the server’s signature used to identify the server, use the following code in your .htaccess file:

 # Disable server signature
 ServerSignature Off

This will hide the Apache version normally seen at the bottom of your 404 error pages, directory listing..etc.

2- Disable signature by editing httpd.conf
There are two directives that you need to add, or edit in your httpd.conf / apache2.conf file:

For Ubuntu and LinuxMint edit apache conf using the following command (for Centos/Fedora edit httpd.conf):
cd /etc/apache2/
vi apache2.conf
and add these 2 lines at the bottom of the file:
ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens Prod
The ServerSignature appears on the bottom of pages generated by apache such as 404 pages, directory listings, etc.
The ServerTokens directive is used to determine what Apache will put in the Server HTTP response header. By setting it to Prod it sets the HTTP response header as follows:

Server: Apache
When is done, restart apache:
/etc/init.d/httpd restart    CentOS/Fedora/RHEL sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart    Ubuntu/Debian/LinuxMint

Here are the results in my linuxmint:


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Deal of the Day

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