Open Source Technical Information: How do I play MP3s in Fedora?

Friday, 28 October 2011

How do I play MP3s in Fedora?

To play MP3s in Fedora, you have to install a different package depending on which Fedora MP3 player you want to use. If you're not sure which one to pick, Rhythmbox is the standard. It's in the "Applications" menu, under "Sound & Video" -- it's called "Rhythmbox Music Player." It looks kind of like iTunes when you run it.
Here's how to install the correct MP3 plugin:
  1. Make sure that you're using my yum configuration from the installing software question.
  2. Open a Terminal.
  3. Become root:
    su -
  4. Now, install the correct plugin depending on which MP3 player you want to use:
    • For Rhythmbox or Totem:
      yum install gstreamer-plugins-ugly
    • For Audacious (which is like XMMS or Winamp):
      yum install audacious-plugins-freeworld-mp3
Now you should be able to play MP3s in your favorite Fedora MP3 player!
INFO NOTE: For home users in any country (even the USA), there is no legal problem with MP3 players, so you are not doing anything illegal by enabling MP3 support in Fedora. However, if you are in the USA and you want to encode MP3s or use them in a commercial setting, you may be required to pay patent royalties.


  • 4 November 2011 at 01:45
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks for this post...i was searching for this

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