Open Source Technical Information: How to install Google Chrome in Fedora 16 / 15 / 14

Sunday 25 December 2011

How to install Google Chrome in Fedora 16 / 15 / 14

 Installation Google Chrome in Fedora 16 / 15 / 14 

Alternatively you can download the rpm version of  Google Chrome and install it.

To add Google Repository

First download and install the key from Google Linux Repository.
Run the following commands in the terminal, type the password for the user when prompted.

To Download
$ wget

To Install
$ sudo rpm --import
After installing the key run the below command to add it to the repository.

Note: Copy and paste the command as it is below.

For 32 bit
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "[google]
name=Google Chrome 32-bit
baseurl=" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo'

For 64 bit
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "[google]
name=Google Chrome 64-bit
baseurl=" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo'
Thats it. Now install the browser.

 To Install the Stable version

$ sudo yum install google-chrome-stable
The above command will install the current stable version.

To Install the Beta Version

$ sudo yum install google-chrome-beta
The above command will install the current beta version. You can also install the unstable version by using the following command.

$ sudo yum install google-chrome-unstable
Check the screen shot below.

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